




I'm developing a CarPlay music app and encountering a crash when trying to present a CPActionSheetTemplate using presentTemplate on the CPInterfaceController in iOS 15.2. The app functions as expected on iOS 17*.
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unsupported object <CPActionSheetTemplate: 0x600000883720> <identifier: 154853B1-42C9-4A2E-A2AA-8431664FCDC4, userInfo: (null), tabTitle: (null), tabImage: (null), showsTabBadge: 0> passed to presentTemplate:animated:completion:. Allowed classes: {( CPGridTemplate, CPListTemplate, CPNowPlayingTemplate, CPTabBarTemplate, CPAlertTemplate, CPVoiceControlTemplate )} Thanks in advance!
May ’24
Apple Sign in Error: The Operation couldn't be completed ( error 1000.)
I am facing one issue while trying to Sign in with Apple. error is as below: "The Operation couldn't be completed ( error 1000.)" I get this error as soon as the button is pressed it doesn't even get into the actual sign-in part. I have verified that entitlements file is there with the below content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>aps-environment</key> <string>development</string> <key></key> <array> <string>Default</string> </array> </dict> </plist> I transferred the project and certificates from another machine. So deleted all the certificates and provisional profiles and recreated them from the new machine but faced an issue. Also, It only happens in exported (Archived build). When I directly install it from Xcode it is working fine. I have followed the official apple document to implement it. below is how I'm requesting the authentication: currentNonce = randomNonceString() let request = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider().createRequest() request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email] let controller = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request]) request.nonce = currentNonce?.sha256() controller.delegate = self controller.presentationContextProvider = self controller.performRequests() Below are delegates: func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization) {         switch authorization.credential {         case let appleIDCredential as ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential: //Authenticated             break         default:             break         } }     func presentationAnchor(for controller: ASAuthorizationController) -> ASPresentationAnchor {         return self.view.window! }     func authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithError error: Error) { Utils.showAlert(withMessage: error.localizedDescription) } Any help would be appreciated
Feb ’22